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#1 2011-02-02 00:57:41


Wrong DATE in export Oracle data to csv file

I used old SQLDbx (probably ver 3.4) to export Oracle data to csv file and then fastload data to Teradata table. The load job aborted bcuz of bad date format. I saw many rows with the date as 06-07-2007 in Oracle DB showed up in csv file as 10007-06-07.

#2 2011-02-06 23:43:23


Re: Wrong DATE in export Oracle data to csv file

I am unable to reproduce this error.
Can you provide additional information:
1. Date format setting in Options->Import/Export.
2. Date column declaration


#3 2011-02-10 08:22:55


Re: Wrong DATE in export Oracle data to csv file

sqldbxhelp wrote:

I am unable to reproduce this error.
Can you provide additional information:
1. Date format setting in Options->Import/Export.
2. Date column declaration

1. yyyy-mm-dd
2. Oracle date

However, other team imported data from mainframe flatfile to oracle db did not transform date with value like 0000-00-00 to valid date like null or 0001-01-01. I had to export data from the oracle table to csv file format and them import into teradata as varchar. Sqldbx wrong gave these date values as 10007-06-07. Sqlplus did it right by exported 0000-00-00 and we need to transform these date to 1900-01-01 for teradata to accepts them as date value

#4 2011-02-10 14:37:12


Re: Wrong DATE in export Oracle data to csv file

Thank you for clarifying this problem. This will be fixed in a next release


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