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#1 2009-08-20 17:04:36

Ron Warshawsky

Highlight matching parenthesis / keywords

Thank you for adding this functionality!

Quick feedback

1) parenthesis matching is working for opening parenthes "(", but not for a closing ones ")"

2) parenthesis matching is not working in the block of commented lines

3) for keywords - if cursor is at the middle of the keyword matching is not done

#2 2009-08-20 18:08:43


Re: Highlight matching parenthesis / keywords

1. This is by design
2. Why should it work?
3. This is by design


#3 2009-08-20 20:23:56

Ron Warshawsky

Re: Highlight matching parenthesis / keywords

Thank you for clarification.

Feedback - When developer works ballancing is done on both ends "(" and ")" - having it only on "(" makes it little bit harder.  In eclipse or netbeans it works on both ends and users get used to it.

Same logic goes for keywords - sometime I need to know where "IF" or "LOOP" starts, not where it ENDs.

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